
Gozo mi vida en Guatemala: aka, I enjoy my life in Guatemala

I think that title is appropriately Japan-eque with it's "enjoy" usage, and also serves as a very loose tie to what this blog once was.

I have been living in Antigua, Guatemala for the past 10 days and have about 15 more to go before I head home. I'll just use this post to say the following things that I have learned/thought these past few days:

-Never tell someone (nevermind a woman) what you think he/she is feeling, unless you are either a therapist, or have been asked directly by a close friend.

-Antigua: where either the holes in the sidewalk will take you out or the windows jutting out onto the sidewalk will

and other things, but they are in my other notebook.. so for another time. now it's time to shower while the small amount of hot water coming out of the tap isn't very noticable because it's warm out.