
Highlights of the past 2 weeks

In no particular order...

-Purging Myrie's apartment of all the random crap her predecessor left, and finding a closet in the process
-Holding 2 small salamanders/newts/geckos(?) in my hand at Ochidani after school. I was hesitant at first, but last time I was there I held a tooth so I thought I should keep up this new tradition of holding strange things
-Dancing in Osaka from 12-5am because the train station where we locked our stuff got locked up at 12, and at 3:30 when we really wanted to sleep it was only there was only 1hr 1/2 left till we could get it. Also, there were models to dance with! Hilarious.
-Hosting a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner attended by 3 Brits, 4 Canadians, 1 Aussie, 2 USA-ians and 4 Irish
-Playing poker in Wadayama with Myrie and some other ALTs and making 10Yen instead of losing it all like last time
-Attending a Fall Festival (aki matsuri) complete with men (who weren't wearing pants) carrying portable shrines, simple tea-ceremony, and drinking a beer with my boss in front of my neighbourhood at 11am
-Wearing pants comfortably
-Meeting a former professional volleyball player who lives in my town and lived in Holland for 5 years
-Finding boots in Kobe that fit me! First time I’ve seen women’s shoes in my size!
-Baskin Robbins “pumpkin pudding” and “ghost world” ice cream, it’s no DQ pumpkin blizzard but it’s pretty good.
-Teaching the ni-nenseis (grade 2 kids) in Awaga solo while the teacher escorted a kid to the nurses office as he was bleeding from the head (he then went to the hospital to get stitches) and having them actually listen to me
-Having a conversation in Spanish for about 30minutes with an Irish friend, while waiting outside a “police box” for a cab, that a police man had nicely called for us, at 3am.
-Finding a church that had headsets so I could listen in English, after over 2 months of no church I was in serious withdrawl
- And by finding I mean approaching a 6ft black man at a train station, asking if he could help me, as I was trying to get to church. He said he was also going to church and showed me the bus that was waiting.

-Having dinner at a Spanish bar in Kobe’s Chinatown

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