
Happy Marketing Ploy Day!

In Japan, March 14th is "White Day", the day women get gifts from the men they gave presents to on Valentines Day (Because in Japan, Valentines Day is about giving men presents). I wikipedia-ed the reason behind this, and apparently in the 1960s a marshmallow company realized money was to be made by guilting men into buying presents for women a month later. According to Wikipedia, "sometimes the term sanbai kaeshi (三倍返しliterally, "thrice the return") is used to describe the generally recited rule that the return gift should be two- to three-times the cost of the Valentine's gift." I have no idea if this is really practiced, I'll ask a Japanese friend and let you know.

Many of my male JET friends received chocolate from students/fellow teachers, and have likewise felt they needed to return the favour and bought chocolates to give out today. I gave out nothing on Valentines Day, and (perhaps consequently) received nothing today. This is actually a good thing, as I gave up chocolate for lent and it would just be a terrible tease.

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