
Why thank you!

Last night I was feeling lazy, watching a movie and relaxing on my couch when my doorbell rang! Whenever my doorbell of phone rings, I have come to assume that I will just have to say “wakarimasen, nihongo, iie, sumimasen” (I don’t understand, no Japanese, I’m sorry) and the person will give up and hang up/leave. However, last night I was pleasantly surprised to see it was the mother and son of the new family upstairs. They gave me a nice wrapped box, and introduced themselves, and I’m sure said a bunch of other things that I didn’t understand. I said, in poor Japanese, that I was Joy, and I teach at the school her son is going to (elementary). Twas all very nice. Then they left and I opened the box-- laundry detergent! Yep! the same kind I had to give my neighbours when I moved in. Maybe she was saying" I've moved into your apartment block, here's some laundry soap!" Who knows, but you've gotta love it.

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