
South Korea vs. Japan

When I first decided to go and teach English after graduating, I chose to go to Japan. I knew that there were jobs-a-plenty in South Korea, but I picked Japan. After spending a weekend in Seoul, my first thoughts were “why aren’t I living in Seoul?!”. I fell in love with the city—English everywhere, delicious food, good public transportation, things to see…. so I had to consult my internal list of why I chose Japan. (Although in fairness, it’s also because Japan chose me). And I realized I’m not the only one who wonders why I did, so I thought I’d share my reasons with you. It’s also one of the most asked questions I get after “How are you today?” “What are your hobbies?” and “How do you enjoy your life in Japan?”.

I went to university in New Brunswick. In a small town. I loved my years there, but New Brunswick is not a cultural hot spot. It has some great sights, but I am of the opinion that of the provinces of Canada, its one of the 2 you’re going to forget when you list them off. South Korea has some great sights, it’s got the DMZ, temples, kim chi, but Japan is renown for it’s culture. South Korea is kind of the New Brunswick of Asia. Living in Japan I’ve been to Nara, Kyoto, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Kobe, Osaka etc. Places that I knew of before I came, chock full of historic and beautiful sights.

I am a JET. I am an employee of the Japanese government (more or less) My job is secure, accountable, reputable, and pays me well enough. I had to do very little research, I’m lazy.

I have friends in Japan. I made some Japanese friends when I was in university, and it’s been great to reconnect with them. I better understand what it must have been like for them coming to Canada and it’s surreal for them to see me here. Also, coming with JET meant that I came over with a pile of others, and would be part of the JET community—99% of my friends in Japan are fellow JETs.

So while my visit Seoul made me do some soul searching (clever, I know) I am happy to be in Japan, and happy to be staying. I’ll save those reasons for another post.

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