
Home is where exactly?

I left my home for my home just under 2 weeks ago. I am over my jet-lag and settling back into my old routines of more or less isolated weeks and busy weekends. It was strange at first because I was so used to having people constantly around, but I'm adjusting and appreciating my situation for what it is again.

It feels a bit strange to be here for a second year, but also exciting. I am working on making concrete goals for my school and for my social life to make the most of my time here. While a part of me wouldn't mind going back to Canada for good now, I feel like my time in Japan is unfinished, and I don't want that feeling at the end of my contract next summer.

At school, summer vacation is nearing it's end, which means the end of half days at school and a trip to Shikoku this weekend with Gabrielle while I can take days off without cutting into my classes. However, while the opening ceremony is on September 1st, classes won't really get going until mid-month because the students will be preparing for the very elaborate Sports Day. So it will be full days of school, with not much to do, alas.

Photos of home and adventures are pending my buying a reader for my memory chip, as the one I was using before I left at home, the other one.

1 件のコメント:

Brenda Ann Elizabeth McKinney さんのコメント...

Hey Joy! I just discovered your blog via Tu's page. Welcome back from "home-home." Coming back after the first trip was really weird for me, too, but the second year can be a lot different than the first (well, at least was for most of us)... I bet you'll find that closure.

Hope your week is going well & hope to see you around soon :)