
Joy in Russia: Day 2

I went out and about in Vladivostock today. Saw a nice Lenon statue (one of many I'm sure), walked along the sea side (where a random carnival was happening), took the senic route back to the main streets (read: got vaugly lost), climbed through a submarine (making many Sean Connery jokes to myself), chatted with a Japanese student on tour, saw a famous arch, wandered through a famous shopping centre where everything is behind glass and you point at what you want (well, i guess usually you would tell the person behind the counter), ate some wonderful cake and coffee (oh Japan, you have so much to learn from Russia!), read more Dr. Zhivago while sitting on the pier, and then to a restaurnt for dinner (some chicken dish, 2 crepes, boullion soup with 1/2 a boiled egg and dill (dill!~ it's been so long since I had you!). Did some groceries (real bread! real cheese!) and wandered my way back to the hostel to wash my grimy feet and wait for Paul to show up. Also, am unsure about wandering the streets at night, so I am choosing to stay safer (and admitedly more boring) and relax at the hostel. (Unlike the group of Italian/German tourist guys who showed up at 11 last night, got changed and went out night clubbing).

While I do blend into the Russian population quite well (maybe too well? I need to wear a sign so they are less surprised when I look confused when I dont respond to the Russian). I'm pretty sure the very nice women who sold me coffee and cake were sure that I was and were surprised when I busted out my tried and true method of communication; pointing), there is a definate Russian style. (holy run on sentance batman!). To enrich your life, I have come up with a short list of things to consider when trying to look Russian.

Male: shirts are optional, just wear shorts and show off your hot bod.
Female: the shortest shorts of your life/practically underwear is alright for regular daytime wear. As is very tight clothing, hella cleavage and anything sparkly. Shoes can be any style but generally wear dress shoes. (Unlike Japan, heels are optional)
Children: under the age of 7 must be blond. No exceptions.
General rules: be tall, skinny (if female, musclar if male), have nice cheekbones and be atractive if you are under the age of 30. Over 30 means more cleavage (female, clearly) and a paunch.

I'm excited for Paul to show up, at the very least to save me from talking to myself (I'm doing it as I type!). And to hop on a train for three days (mm greasy hair awaits me) and tour Ulan-Ude, the next city on our adventure.


Going home the long way around...

18: Leave Japan via Shinkansen and overnight ferryboat
19: Arriving in Pusan, South Korea. Take KTX (Korean Shinkansen) to Seoul.
19-22: Stay with wonderful friend Myrie in Seoul, finally tour the DMZed
22: Depart for Vladivostok, Russia!
22-24: Stay in Vladivostok, meet partner in Trans Siberian adventure, Paul, on the 23rd
24: Depart on Trans Siberian railway
27: Arrive in Ulan-Ude,
27-30 tour the city, find our way to Lake Baikal, see a “village of Old Believers”
30: Depart Ulan-Ude
1: Stop for the day in Omsk
3: Arrive in Moscow
3-6: Tour Moscow
6: Depart Moscow, arrive St. Petersburg
6-9: St. Petersburg
9: Out of Russia!
Then hopefully Amsterdam to see my Dutch cousin, Hamburg to see Roger who I have just missed being in the same time zone by hours 3 times, and for sure Dublin to see my wonderful friend Caoimhe.
21st-ish: Back in Canada

I’m excited/nervous/can’t believe it. I know it will be great, but want to get going. Last night in Japan tonight (!!!) And so one adventure ends and another will begin…


No work, all play, aka, "funderployment" (part 1)

Between the last day of work and my departure for the homeland, I have been filling my time with a variety of activities. Most activities are not very interesting, (sleeping! going out with friends! Internet TV!) but there have been some definite highlights so far, namely last weekend.

On Friday I went with my friend Tu to Summer Sonic . We got there early to get some free stuff (ooh, sweat towels!) and see The Veronicas. Another friend of mine went to high school with them, and I'm pretty sure they recognized him (as he is over 6ft and blond, was in the front in a sea of Japanese people). After the Veronicas we went to check out Solange (aka Beyonce's little sister), because no one else we knew was playing, and she was playing in an air conditioned building. We were entertained by her, surprised to hear her call out her sound guy, and the eye rolling at her getting the crowd to sing "hey Mr. Sound guy, get your shit together". Sorry Solange, you are not good enough to be that much of a diva! We said "Solange you later." (Solange as you don't tell anyone that we went to see her at all...) and went to find some delicious festival food.

Full, and wandering, we stopped by The Vaselines, who were performing in air conditioned beauty, and then went to go check out Maximum the Hormone-- a hilarious Japanese metal band, and they opened with the one song I know-- "Koi no Mega Lover". I head banged for the first time in my life, and after a few songs had enough, and went to find some other JETs and then together went to see Lady Gaga. She put on an unsurprisingly rude and entertaining show-- lots of "I love Japan!"s and we also saw Perez Hilton there, shouted his name and got him to wave at us. Gaga was followed by more festival food and then Ne-Yo, followed by no other than Beyonce.

Beyonce put on a serious show-- complete with 3 drummers, 2 pianists, 2 guitarists, a basisit, a 3 person horn section, and 3 back up singers (all female). Her set took about 30 minutes to assemble, and she had 4 female and 4 male back up dancers. She opened well, and closed well, but the middle was some sort of "ode to marriage/Canadian singers and crazy Robo Beyonce". She had a crazy song where she sang Ave Maria, and back up dancers frolicked up and put her in a sort of wedding gown? And then another when she was wearing some sort of robot costume, and the background was snow leopard/robot Beyonce? But the close was amazing, and she left the main stage to go to a smaller one in the middle for some impressive dancing, and where I wound up being crushed but within mere inches of her. Later Tu and I were discussing that Beyonce is impressive, but she's been doing this for ages, and is so polished and it's almost creepy.

Exhausted after a full day in the sun, dancing, headbanging, sweating etc, we finally made it to Tu's place around 1:30, and then were up the next day, Tu for more Summer Sonic, and me to head up to Fukui with a Japanese friend of mine (which I shall describe in Part 2).