
Joy in Russia: Day 2

I went out and about in Vladivostock today. Saw a nice Lenon statue (one of many I'm sure), walked along the sea side (where a random carnival was happening), took the senic route back to the main streets (read: got vaugly lost), climbed through a submarine (making many Sean Connery jokes to myself), chatted with a Japanese student on tour, saw a famous arch, wandered through a famous shopping centre where everything is behind glass and you point at what you want (well, i guess usually you would tell the person behind the counter), ate some wonderful cake and coffee (oh Japan, you have so much to learn from Russia!), read more Dr. Zhivago while sitting on the pier, and then to a restaurnt for dinner (some chicken dish, 2 crepes, boullion soup with 1/2 a boiled egg and dill (dill!~ it's been so long since I had you!). Did some groceries (real bread! real cheese!) and wandered my way back to the hostel to wash my grimy feet and wait for Paul to show up. Also, am unsure about wandering the streets at night, so I am choosing to stay safer (and admitedly more boring) and relax at the hostel. (Unlike the group of Italian/German tourist guys who showed up at 11 last night, got changed and went out night clubbing).

While I do blend into the Russian population quite well (maybe too well? I need to wear a sign so they are less surprised when I look confused when I dont respond to the Russian). I'm pretty sure the very nice women who sold me coffee and cake were sure that I was and were surprised when I busted out my tried and true method of communication; pointing), there is a definate Russian style. (holy run on sentance batman!). To enrich your life, I have come up with a short list of things to consider when trying to look Russian.

Male: shirts are optional, just wear shorts and show off your hot bod.
Female: the shortest shorts of your life/practically underwear is alright for regular daytime wear. As is very tight clothing, hella cleavage and anything sparkly. Shoes can be any style but generally wear dress shoes. (Unlike Japan, heels are optional)
Children: under the age of 7 must be blond. No exceptions.
General rules: be tall, skinny (if female, musclar if male), have nice cheekbones and be atractive if you are under the age of 30. Over 30 means more cleavage (female, clearly) and a paunch.

I'm excited for Paul to show up, at the very least to save me from talking to myself (I'm doing it as I type!). And to hop on a train for three days (mm greasy hair awaits me) and tour Ulan-Ude, the next city on our adventure.

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

wow father is jealous
great comments, very enjoyable