

1. Today school is back in session. I taught 1st period, and my following 3 periods of 1st year classes have been cancelled (for a moment, realize that this means on regular Monday mornings I teach 4 classes in a row, and 3 of them are identical, who came up with this plan?), so I have the rest of the day to make sure my desk chair doesn't escape. I will do this by sitting on it for long periods of time, with breaks to: make bad tasting instant coffee, pick things up from the printer, maybe a bathroom break, lunch, and the usual "avoid the funny looks about not cleaning during cleaning time because no one gave me a job" walk around the school. So far it's only been an hour of not being in class and I feel like my week long house arrest broke all my skills at sitting and patiently doing nothing.

2. On school days I always wake up at 6:20. My alarm doesn't go off till 7:17 (well, a little earlier than that because my alarm is set to an indeterminate amount of fast), but I always wake up at 6:20, look at the clock, roll over and keep sleeping. I wonder if this is because
a) There is an alarm clock going off somewhere in my building that I can hear?
b) The sun reaches a certain amount of brightness and that wakes me up?
c) My body is done sleeping and by sleeping more I am really just going to be sleepier?
I can't decide.

3. I enjoy reading blogs, but oddly 2 of the ones I follow are written by young mothers and I have no interest in being a mother anytime soon. I justify these blogs because these young mothers are sassy and witty, which is what draws me to them. Right?

4. I just spellchecked this blog (I can hear your laughter from here, I know there are errors aplenty in the general content of this blog), and no misspellings were found! This delights me! I almost failed spelling in the 4th grade (I was maybe 8?). I've come a long way (sort of?)

5. The smell of fresh cut grass combined with the smell of paint made me think of home. What smells will make me think of Japan next year? Seaweed.

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