

1. The season for Japanese kids who live in the USA to come to Kamikawa and go to school. They finish up in the states, and then attend Japanese elementary/junior high for a month. It gets their Japanese back into shape, and I guess is a good dose of culture. For me it means there is a kid in class who knows exactly what’s going on, and is pretty much bored. I can bring the fun in a game, but there is still 20 minutes of learning that they have to suffer through. English class for English speakers = painful. I have 1 kid at junior high and 2 at elementary school.

2. Rainy season. Out of nowhere humidity came and gave me a big sweaty hug. Thanks humidity! Mmmmm. It rained for about 10 straight hours (starting last night around 1am) and now there is a nice fug in the air. There is a bit of a breeze, so that’s helping… but mostly I’m very shiny and want to wash my face all the time.

3. The season of replacements. I am prepping myself to leave in less than 2 months, and my successor for the glories of my job. I will get to meet her as I’m kicking around Japan till mid August, so she can glean all the wisdom I’ve amassed about my town/job, although considering I write massive emails telling her most things, I’m not sure how much I have left to say. Everyone is waiting to find out who will attempt to fill the void they leave.

4. The season of leaving. It’s both a relief and sad-- whether or not my brain knows it, Japan does unconsciously stress me out and my body will welcome being in the homeland. It will also be good to be home again. I've lived away from home for 6 years now (well, 4 of those had 4 month intervals at home during the summer, but still, a long time), and I miss my family. At the same time, I’m leaving some excellent friends, who live in corners of the world that are not in Canada, let alone Ontario. An excuse to travel more? I think so.

1 件のコメント:

Jordan さんのコメント...

I do like a nice fug in the air. Really makes the day!