
First Day Back

After more than 3 weeks of not teaching, and only sporadically showing up at school to sit at my desk, I had a full day with 4 classes at my Junior High. And it was a good day. Not in any ground-breaking "my students are so smart!" moments of glory but simply for the following reasons:

-I was asked to make a short listening test for the 3rd grade and then have questions to test them on it afterwards. I quickly typed something up about my recent adventures, and the teacher loved it! He asked me to do one every week, and do one for the 2nd graders too.
-The students yelled "Joy Feddes" at me as I biked back from lunch. Not sure why they suddenly love my full name, but I'll take it
-My new desk placement is away from the fish vendor. Yes, my school has a man who comes about 1x/month and sets up his fishy wares in the staff room for teachers to buy. I am now mercifully farther away from this man.
-The new cleaning time music makes me feel like I am in a video game.

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