

When my dad and Henry came for a visit, they said they’d like to visit USJ—Universal Studios Japan. While I was more than willing, it did strike me as an odd way to spend time in Japan when there are temples to visit, and all that cultural jazz. But while the history and culture of Japan is rich and rewarding in its depth, there are limits. And if you just want to relax and have fun, a theme park is designed to do just that (well, that and to take your money). There is no pressure to understand what you are looking at, or to contemplate its history. USJ is nearly identical to its cousin in Florida. A bit smaller, but basics remain the same: rides, salty/sweet/deep-fried foods, line ups, thrills, people in character costumes.

There are a few Japanese touches to keep you aware of the fact that you are, actually, on a slice of Osaka real-estate and not in the USA. The usual reams of women in high heels, an unusually high number of people in cute novelty hats, and of course, the entire preamble to the rides is done in Japanese. But it doesn’t matter, because you’ve seen the movies—even if you are a bit rusty on all the details (Oh ET, it’s been ages).

Here are some photos for your enjoyment.

The main entrance of the park

The spider man ride = amazing

The Jurassic Park themed hats were quite excellent

Henry, post Jurassic park ride-- he got a little wet

The end.

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