
Why Japan is Amazing (1)

Last night, while waiting for my cousin Rachel to arrive from Tokyo, I was walking around the Himeji castle grounds with two friends. It's cherry blossom viewing season and there was a plethora of picnickers sitting on tarps and enjoying a nice spring evening. As we walked by a group of men they called out "Hello!" to us so we said "Hi!" back, and they they invited us to sit with them. As we didn't have anything else to do, and in the name of cultural exchange (and free drinks), we agreed. They promptly gave us food, beer and sake. Asked us random questions (What is your name, what do you do, where do you work, where are you from), were impressed with our meager Japanese and occasionally broke into song. After a while it was time to pick up Rachel so we said thank you and goodbye, and then left them to their merry making.

Fast forward to Rachel and me, on the train to my stop. I told Rachel that we would see if anyone would offere to give us a ride before I called for a cab because the past few times I've been offered rides by people, but had already called a cab. Sure enough, just as I'm about to get out my cell phone and call I hear "Joy?!?". It is one of the guys that we met at the castle-- his wife is waiting at the train station to pick him up and take him home. So he offers to give us a ride and even helps put the suitcase in the back. His wife says she's seen me before on my bike.

A man that I randomly met in a park, whose friends inivited me and my friends to join their party due to our novelty of our being foregin, lives in my town, and offers me a ride home.

People offer me rides in my town because I am the only foreigner, and they know who I am, often because they've seen me biking.

These are some of the reasons Japan is amazing.

1 件のコメント:

Lindsay さんのコメント...

Love it. Makes me want to go.